Hauptforum Forum: DOD Server / Spiel Thread: BAN
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#1 am 17.08.2024 um 16:59 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2

I was unfairly banned by the EXOTIC admin today for a duration of 86,000 minutes. I am a diligent player who follows the rules. I also like to be reminded of them, I am not an expert on the subject.

I connect to day of defeat just to play on your server, I find this sanction excessive and inappropriate.

I didn't know that camping on top of a ladder to wait for the enemy was forbidden! I only knew about the teleporter.

86,000 minutes for that? Serious ! I appeal to your clemency.


My name in this game is floss

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#2 am 18.08.2024 um 08:05 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 3

Hello Floss,


you are totally cashed a fair bann from my side.
Repetly spraying porn pics, that´s what´s first against our server rules and you are already got warned dosant times over it. And you already got kicked and mutet and whatever.

You are taking politics to the server, where is no place.
And you always go personally on several players, like they´re homophobe or elseshit...


And then, YOU KNOW EXACTLY that on some maps it´s forbidden to camp on top of ladders.

Also in the past i warned you and i warned you and i let you go....



Then things are not forbidden but you know they´re unsympathic either,

always in the corners backyards of someone and showing disrespect for every player all the time.


And then what do we find here in the comment section, lies.




Also in the past players jelling at me why i didn´t do something, and there was one i forgot his name who do hatespeech about LGBQT and you know what, i protectet you and kicked him twice and then bann 10 min. Afterwards because of racism permanent! 


 Think over it floss: We like to have fun, don´t annoy anyone with porn sprays, homotalk all the time, breaking server rules.....


kind regards -> from my side the bann should stay like it is


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#3 am 18.08.2024 um 10:18 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2265



 I have also warned you about the pictures and thrown you down because of the spray logo!!


We don't allow such pictures, regardless of gender, if they are too revealing or offensive!!


You have now received a warning.


I have shortened the ban to 1 month this time.


No more next time.


Change your spray logo!!


hier ein ausschnit der Server Regeln !!


3) Who uses banned or racist symbols in picture, name, such spraytags

     or expresses himself racially, will be kicked and banned permanently. 



Greetings, Matze

zuletzt editiert von -=©P=-Мα†žє am 18.08.2024 10:19 Uhr



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#4 am 18.08.2024 um 14:06 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2
thanks matze but i didn't get banned for that, i didn't even use the spray when EXOTIC banned me... I was banned for 86,000 minutes because I was camping on top of a ladder, I didn't even use a tag!! I want to change the tag but I don't know how to do it I like playing at your place, 1 month is huge! I have a good time, I don't insult anyone, I like to laugh (with those who like to laugh, obviously) that's all
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#5 am 18.08.2024 um 14:34 Uhr Diesen Beitrag zitieren
Posts: 2265

C:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonDay of Defeat Sourcedodmaterialsvguilogos
das Spray löschen oder anderes einsetzen und im Spiel das neue untereinstellungen auswählen.
in dem Ordner ist noch ein  Ordner der ui heist da könnte auch das Spray drinnen sein musst du schauen .
Gru? Matze 

zuletzt editiert von -=©P=-Мα†žє am 18.08.2024 14:36 Uhr



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